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About Jim Ciraky, PhD

I am a specialist helping anxious individuals with strategies to increase personal and professional satisfaction.
I help couples identify and resolve or manage marital disagreements and teach strategies to promote more satisfying connections with spouses.

If you have tried to make the changes on your own and have met with tension and frustration, I can provide tools for you to make more effective changes. I support people in discovering more about themselves and unveiling patterns previously hidden so that they can begin to have more control of their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and be enthusiastic about their relationships again.

I know from years of involvement helping individuals with personal and professional concerns and couples with relationship issues that you have the potential ability to make positive changes in your life. With current studies in brain biology, we now know that individuals can create new neuropathways, which can lead to more productive thinking and behavior patterns. If you are ready now to do the work, you may be surprised at how skilled you already are to begin making healthy changes. Some strengths that you already practice at work or in other arenas can be utilized in your individual or relational endeavors. The progression of our meetings may prompt quicker more productive growth than you had before.

I help clients that are high-functioning, motivated, and committed to making changes in their life, and I provide them with tools and methods to reach their potential on their own, many times with no need for further counseling. I work well with entrepreneurs, business owners, professionals, and busy people developing strategies to prioritize tasks, improve production, and restore broken relationships. Because your time and money are valuable, I help you become more organized and goal-oriented as possible to achieve greater success in your pursuits.

Since psychology is continually evolving, I keep up with research and training in helpful strategies to improve personal development and relationships. I am a lifelong learner and see beneficial outcomes in my therapy sessions. I enjoy hearing how well my clients are doing and seeing their progress in treatment by identifying and removing barriers.

I believe that each one of us can learn to be content in our lives. If you are ready to explore your obstacles and discover your best course of action, give me a call at 404-293-5654 or email me at I have several offices around Greater Metro Atlanta or can meet you virtually via phone or video. I am so glad you are here and on behalf of Advent Counseling, welcome!

Founder & Therapist

Throughout my adult life I have had a passion for helping people toward a greater sense of well-being and to learn how to be transformed by the renewing of the mind. When human beings experience severe life stressors, it is not uncommon for their lives to unravel. My desire is to bring healing to people who are going through difficult times. I help individuals and couples rediscover a healthier view of themselves and strengthen their relationships.

I know that no single approach is the right one for every individual, so I have experience in a range of modalities including cognitive-behavioral, solution-focused, and relational therapies. Additionally, there are so many counselors out there and it is overwhelming, even paralyzing, to find the right one. So, I am providing enough information here so you can make an informed decision on working with me.

Hi, I’m Jim, and there are a few things that I have seen materialize over my years as a counselor/coach:

  • Being more satisfied and content is achievable at most any age and phase of life.
  • You may have already waited a long time, so why wait any longer?
  • I will provide you with some proven tools to change your thinking and behaviors.
  • If you do not act now, more years may disappear without a single beneficial change in your life.

When I began in counseling, I regularly looked for better techniques and strategies to assist people in moving beyond a trapped mindset and soon began obtaining referrals from pastors, school administrators, teachers, business owners, community leaders, and others who began entrusting me to help them, their families, friends, and associates. In the beginning, all these referrals were accomplished without marketing campaigns or interactive websites. Recently, however, I have been receiving multiple requests for ways to reach more people, which now involves participation with effective modern strategies to connect me with people nationally and internationally. I also keep up on the latest research by instructing university counseling students and have supervised many counselors from schools, clinics, and churches.


Jim Ciraky earned the following degrees:

  • PhD. in Organizational Psychology from Northcentral University
  • Master of Arts in Counseling from Regent University
  • Bachelor of Science degree in Biblical Studies from The University of Valley Forge.

Jim Ciraky has the following credentials:

    • Licensed Professional Counselor in Georgia, USA
    • Nationally Board Certified in Professional Counseling




I have over 20 years experience as a Professional Counselor. I am the founder and director of Advent Counseling and Training Services Inc. established in greater Metro Atlanta Georgia, USA. At the beginning of my career, I worked as a Patient Care Coordinator, Program Therapist, and Partial Hospital Director in area hospitals treating adolescents and their families.

Since opening my own office, I expanded to several offices in the Metro Atlanta area. In addition to counseling, I speak at conferences and workshops addressing many topics, such as depression, anxiety, relationships, parenting, conflict management, and personal & small business development for behavioral health practitioners. I also offer crisis, relational, and mental health consulting to businesses, churches, educational institutions, and community groups on the following subjects.

I also teach principles about the following topics:

  • Developing long-term meaningful relationships.
  • Facilitating workable strategies in improved communication.
  • Teaching the latest effective conflict strategies.
  • Handling Disruptive Event Management (Critical Incident Response).

In 2010, I traveled to Ukraine with a friend to teach capitalistic business principles to Ukrainian business owners/managers. In 2015 I traveled to Romania, where I learned about the plight of trafficked girls who are now rescued to a life of freedom via a non-profit with complete educational and vocational training – a worthwhile cause.

In the early years of my career, I began counseling in a borrowed church office in Smyrna, Georgia, USA, and now have several professional offices.  In 2018, I began an online international coaching program through which I have helped men and women from Denmark, UK, India, China, Thailand, Canada, Romania, Iceland, Australia, and other countries. It is truly an exciting time to live and develop greater ways of helping people across the globe.

My current specialties involve the following:

  • Resolving long-standing conflicts,
  • Facilitating self-sustaining personal relational connections, and
  • Training in recent anxiety resolution techniques.

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.


I was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. My wife is my closest friend and we have been married many years and have two grown sons. My family and friends know me as a musician, gardener, and landscape designer, who enjoys all things outdoors. I have lifelong practical experience with marriage and child-rearing, which occurred throughout life experiences, not just from books and formal education. My life has been a tremendous learning tool, the lessons of which I apply in my counsel with others. This practical living, combined with my education and clinical experience enables me to be authentic in my work with others.

I look forward to working with you soon.


Jim is very helpful and supportive.

Written by J.I. after counseling with Jim for 2 months on issues concerning stress, anxiety, and relationship issues

Dr. Ciraky has proven to be an excellent sounding board and has provided tools to work through my relationship issues. He has been insightful and given me things to think about to direct me in my decision-making process. I would highly recommend him.

Written by C.O. after counseling with Jim for 2 months on issues concerning relationship issues, and self esteem

Dr. Ciraky has been a God send. He has been working with me for the last 7 months and has been everything I could have asked for!!! I’ve had a wonderful experience and suggested this company to many friends!

Written by L.I. after counseling with Jim for 6 months

Thank you for your help! May God continue blessing others thru your service.

Written by M.A. after counseling with Jim for 5 months

Dr Ciraky impressed me with his expertise. He listens well, analyzes your situation with you and is able to give advice and guidance. Dr Ciraky also provides different type of supporting exercises that can help in between sessions and that always are perfectly adjusted to your situation.

Written by C.L. after counseling with Jim for 2 weeks

I am finding Jim to be extremely responsive and alert to my needs. It is quite refreshing to have his support and I look forward to an ongoing therapeutic relationship.

Written by M.E. after counseling with Jim for 2 weeks on issues concerning stress, anxiety, self-esteem, career difficulties, and coaching

I am new to this counseling service but so far, I am impressed with the communication process and the advice I have received.

Written by S.H. after counseling with Jim for 2 weeks

I have been dealing with some issues for quite a long time, but always found it too difficult to talk about them. Jim has been very patient, understanding and encouraging and he has done an amazing job in making me feel comfortable opening up about my issues and feelings throughout our sessions. He has been a great support in helping me understand how my feelings arise and how to get to the root of them in order to start the healing process. We addressed quite a wide range of issues and I started to create my own healthy coping strategies that would improve my way of dealing with difficulties that came up/might come up at some point in life. I am in a much better place now than when I started counseling – I owe Jim a lot and I definitely recommend working with him!

Written by S.O. after counseling with Jim for 2 months on issues concerning depression, relationship issues, grief, and self esteem

Talked to me via video call. A lot of what he said made sense to me and when he prayed with me it also helped me to feel that someone else actually cared and he had a good way of summarizing issues and letting me see that I actually had some major things going on in my life.

Written by H.E. after counseling with Jim for 2 weeks

I owe Jim a lot and I definitely recommend working with him!

– SO.

This has been my trampoline for my better living.

– A.D.

Dr. Ciraky has been a big help to me in navigating the challenges that I have been facing this last year. He is very professional and supportive and offers practical tools to assist in dealing with obstacles as they present themselves. He is definitely an essential member of my support team.

Written by L.I. after counseling with Jim for 6 months on issues concerning stress, anxiety

Dr Ciraky has been very helpful in helping me work through a whole range of scenarios I was struggling with. He helps coach you through better ways ahead and helps you to take control of making the necessary changes. He also gives you tips and tools to assist you. He is thoughtful and also the christian aspect added in makes it even more helpful and upbuilding. I’ve had lots of change and stress and illness and the support has helped me massively to keep pressing on as much as possible. Thank you Dr Ciraky

Written by H.E. after counseling with Jim for 1 year

I appreciate Jim so much, he is understanding of what I have to say and actually communicates about the situations I have been facing. I would highly recommend his services.

Written by R.O. after counseling with Jim for 1 year and 4 months

Dr Ciraky is patient and straight forward. I like his honesty. I also like how he tries to help me connect the dots in my situation so that I’ll be able to find my own exit strategy and the road to healing and wholeness. Instead of telling me what to do, he just leads, guides, encourages, while letting me find my own way. I appreciate that.

Written by D.A. after counseling with Jim for 1 month

For the past 9 months I have felt that I received full understanding and support in all the worries that I brought up for discussion. This has been my trampoline for my better living.

Written by A.D. after counseling with Jim for 8 months on issues concerning stress, anxiety, grief, intimacy-related issues, and self esteem

Dr. Ciraky helped me see that my “depression” was really just intense grief, and he’s given me the tools I needed to walk out of it one-step-at-a-time. He has helped me track my progress and see that I am getting better, and for the first time in a very long time I truly have hope. I’m living instead of just existing. Amazing that just a few little things he pointed out to me and asked me to do have made such an enormous difference. I no longer feel stuck in my pain. I’d recommend him to my closest family and friends.

Written by C.A. after counseling with Jim for 2 months

I no longer feel stuck in my pain. I’d recommend him to my closest family and friends.

– C.A.

It is clear that God has directed and is directing the counseling that is occurring between Dr Ciraky and myself. We begin with prayer and end in prayer. The insight gained has been very comforting. The Holy Spirit is at work and I am grateful for the clarity of thought during a very confusing time in my life.

Written by C.H. after counseling with Jim for 3 weeks on issues concerning Christian Marriage relationship.

It is clear that God has directed and is directing the counseling that is occurring between Dr Ciraky and myself.

– C.H.

Jim Ciraky is a perfect match for me.

– O.L.

Dr. Ciraky was helpful to me.

– J.U.

Jim Ciraky is a perfect match for me. It’s an art to ask the right questions at the right time and he has it down to a tee. I’ve experienced him as very understanding and affirming and I’d book him again without a doubt!

Written by O.L. after counseling with Jim for 1 month on issues concerning stress, anxiety, and self esteem.

Dr. Ciraky was helpful to me. He especially helped me understand some of my faulty thinking which cleared the path and eased my mind. He focused on my goals during our time and encouraged me to think through additional goals.

Written by J.U. after counseling with Jim for 1 week on issues concerning negative thinking.

Dr. Ciraky had been a great support for me. He listens to me and is understanding and helpful. We have just started our journey, but I have confidence that he will help me work though my issues and feel better about myself and my life.

Written by K.A. after counseling with Jim for 2 weeks on issues concerning depression, stress, anxiety, trauma and abuse, and self esteem

I had a very insightful and calming first meeting with Jim. This is definitely something valuable and positive that I want to invest more in. Gave me enough good energy for the whole week to carry with me. It is definitely what I needed and the type of conversation that has an impact on me. Reach out with confidence to Jim.

Written by A.D. after counseling with Jim for 4 days on issues concerning self-esteem.

Dr. Ciraky had been a great support for me.

– K.A.

Thanks, Dr Ciraky, for your support. Reach out with confidence to Jim.

– A.D.

I appreciate Jim so much, he is understanding of what I have to say and actually communicates about the situations I have been facing. I would highly recommend his services.


Dr. Ciraky is patient and straight forward. I like his honesty. I also like how he tries to help me connect the dots in my situation so that I’ll be able to find my own exit strategy and the road to healing and wholeness. Instead of telling me what to do, he just leads, guides, encourages, while letting me find my own way. I appreciate that.


Jim is very helpful and supportive.


Very helpful – Dr. Ciraky lets you let out what is inside and asks questions to prompt sharing things which are more difficult to share. He offers Christian advice where needed and on many occasions has given me a lightbulb moment where I just realize why I’m feeling the way I do, and helps me work through things with his godly support and guidance – I really appreciate all the help he has given me to date.


Dr. Ciraky has proven to be an excellent sounding board and has provided tools to work through my relationship issues. He has been insightful and given me things to think about to direct me in my decision-making process. I would highly recommend him.
