Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: 8 CBT Techniques and Tools for You

Have you ever felt stuck in negative thoughts or unhelpful behaviors? Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help you improve your mental health and overall wellness. CBT is a type of mental health therapy that aims to change the actions and behaviors of people by changing the way they think and addressing the root cause.

Today, you will learn eight CBT techniques you can try to improve thoughts and behaviors in your daily life.

Thought Records

Thought records are like a diary for your thoughts. When you feel upset, write down:

  • What happened
  • How you felt
  • What you thought

Then, look for any negative thinking patterns. Are you jumping to conclusions? Thinking in all-or-nothing terms? By spotting these patterns, you can start to change them.

Behavioral Experiments

Sometimes, our fears hold us back. Behavioral experiments help you test if your worries are true. For example, if you're afraid of public speaking, you might give a short talk to a small group. This helps you see that your fears might be bigger than the real risk.

Cognitive Restructuring

This technique helps you change negative thoughts into more balanced ones. If negative thoughts come to your mind, then ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is this thought true?
  • What proof do I have?
  • Can I to look at this in another way?

By questioning your thoughts, you can find more helpful ways of thinking.

Relaxation Techniques

Stress can make negative thoughts worse. Learning to relax can help you feel calmer and think more clearly. Try these simple relaxation methods:

  • Deep breathing
  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Guided imagery

Activity Scheduling

When we feel down, we often stop doing things we enjoy. Activity scheduling helps you plan fun and important activities. Doing activities that you love to do can boost your mood and also impart positive vibes to your personality.

Exposure Therapy

If you're afraid of something, avoiding it can make the fear worse. Exposure therapy helps you face your fears bit by bit. You start with small, less scary steps and work your way up. This helps you see that you can handle the thing you fear.

Problem-Solving Techniques

Life is full of challenges. CBT teaches a step-by-step way to solve problems:

  1. Define the problem clearly
  2. Think of many possible solutions
  3. Assess the pros and cons of those solutions
  4. Choose the best solution
  5. Make a plan and try it out
  6. Review how it went
  7. Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a mental exercise that is often confused with meditation. Mindfulness means the ability to focus on the present moment without judgment. It can help you:

  • Notice your thoughts and feelings
  • Stay calm in stressful situations
  • Focus on the present instead of worrying about what may or may not happen in the future

Cognitive behavioral therapy offers many tools to help you feel better and live a fuller life. Be patient with yourself as you try these CBT techniques. If you're suffering from mental health issues, find a professional and certified cognitive behavioral therapist near you or online.