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Quick Answers to Counseling FAQs (Part 2)

Why shouldn’t I just take medication?

All medication issues should be assessed by you and your physician. While medication can be very effective and is sometimes needed in conjunction with counseling, it alone cannot solve all issues. What medication does for many behavioral issues, such as anxiety and depression, is treat the symptoms. Our work together is designed to explore the root of the issue, dig further into your thoughts and behaviors and teach strategies that can help you accomplish your personal and/or relational goals.

How does counseling work? What is my part in the sessions?

Because each person has different issues and goals, therapy will be differ with each individual. I tailor my therapeutic approach to your specific needs within the framework of my area of expertise. While talking and listening is a primary method of counseling for me, I do use some homework to help assess and treat the issue as quickly as possible. One of my specialties is Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), which is one effective method in treating anxiety and depression.

How long will it take?

Everyone’s circumstances are unique to them and therapy length to allow you to accomplish your goals depends on your desire for personal development, commitment, and the factors leading you to therapy. My average length of treatment for mild anxiety is 6-10 sessions, which may help manage the situation better.